Are you having problems with your milk supply? Do you need a little extra help to stay on track? Try this all-natural tea to help you get your flow back on track.
Drink this all-natural herbal tea throughout your pregnancy to help mom and baby. Red raspberry, wild yam, squaw vine, false unicorn, cramp bark, black haw, chaste berries, and natural raspberry are among the potent herbs in our tea.
This all-natural tea gently stimulates blood flow and may aid in uterine preparation for implantation. It contains a unique blend of Red Raspberry (natural progesterone source), Black Haw, Crampbark, Partridgeberry, and Chamomile - ingredients that may calm the uterus by decreasing muscle contractions and encourage the uterine lining to thicken in preparation for embryo implantation.
Uterine Fibroid Support Tea is formulated with herbs traditionally used to help reduce the growth of uterine fibroids. It also contains ingredients to help regulate menstrual cycles, reduce PMS symptoms and support a healthy uterus.
Made from organic ingredients including Black Hawk, Cramp Bark, Bee Propolis, Cordyceps, and our Proprietary Blend help to nourish the body and support healthy reproductive function.
This tea is great sipped by itself or can be enjoyed with a small amount of honey or lemon.